You’ve worked hard to get here and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. With candor, our experience helping many business owners transition to retirement will go a long way towards making your own retirement thoughts a financial reality.

Some decisions will have a greater long-term financial impact than others requiring the expertise of an advisor who has been through the process many times. We meet clients new and old to establish a long-term plan that minimizes taxes, maximizes wealth, and lets you focus on your new priorities in life.

If you’re ready to start thinking about the next phase of your life, it’s time we talked. We’ll answer all of your questions and ask a few more you probably hadn’t thought of. You’ll have a plan that will take care of you, your family and your business long after you’ve locked the premises door for the last time.

How can we help you?

Candor provides audit, accounting and tax services to businesses throughout Ireland